Welcome to my crafty little corner! Feel free to comment and follow me on my path to creativity. I love meeting new people, so don't be shy! Scrapbooking, journaling, making felt plushies, embroidery, painting, photography, blogging, organizing, reading, and sewing are some of my most favorite things.
1/4 cup sugar 1 tsp ground cinnamon 3/4 cup butter 3 cups white sugar 3 eggs 6 bananas, mashed 1 (16oz) container sour cream 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp salt 3 tsp baking soda 4 1/2 cups flour
1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Grease four 7x3 inch loaf pans. In a small bowl, stir together 1/4 cup white sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon. Dust pans with cinnamon and sugar mixture.
2. In a large bowl, cream butter and 3 cups sugar. Mix in eggs, mashed bananas, sour cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Mix in salt, baking soda, and flour. Divide into prepared pans.
3. Bake for 1 hour, until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
This is my 2nd most favorite bread! My first is my pumpkin-raisin bread. Hope you enjoy!! xoxo, Lindsay
My mom sent me a care package yesterday, it always makes me feel like I'm at home, even though I'm way up here in freezing North Dakota. She went antique shopping a few weeks ago and bought me my most favorite things! BUTTONS!!! She found 2 antique jars full of them. I thought it was so neat I had to post it. I'm not going to sort these buttons like I normally do. I love the antique look, so I'm going to use them as decoration in my craft room. I wrapped a little pink ribbon around the top one to spruce it up a bit. She also sent me down a trip to memory lane and sent me some of my old Lisa Frank stuff. I used to be OBSESSED with Lisa Frank. Did anyone else go through this phase or remember Lisa Frank? It tickled me to see these and she sent me enough to where I could actually write a few Happy Mail letters with the stationary. I think it would be a fun idea. Do you think it would be cute or kinda lame?
Here are some old postcards Envelopes Stationary, stickers, more envelopes and a cute little notepad
Oh and you can't forget Zapp's chips! MMMMMMM!!! Last night I had my very FIRST embroidery lesson with Bri. She is an amazing teacher and I had so much fun learning. I had a little company half way through my lesson (little Kaylee would not sleep) and she watched as I embroidered until Daddy got home. Here is the very first thing I made. All I had was Christmas patterns. This morning I was still wanting to embroider some more, so I made myself a little Rudolf. Embroidering is so much fun if you haven't tried it yet. My work isn't perfect by any means but I think I did pretty good for it being my very first time. I'm not late on Christmas, I'm just really early for next year, hehe. Thank you so much Bri for teaching me last night.
I have soo many fun projects for the weekend coming up, a few treasure boxes and other goodies to put together for friends. Then putting my craft room all together as well as painting it. I of course will take a before and after picture. I love those!
I also am HONORED to say I was let in on an awesome idea last night from my very good friend Heidi. We are going to be doing a very special project with a few other very special ladies. It's a surprise and as soon as I get more details I will fill all of you in.
On another note, overnight my followers have jumped by 6! So HI to all my awesome new followers! Looks like my giveaway will be sooner than I thought, YAY! xoxo, Lindsay
My next post (this one) was originally supposed to be all about my Style File I have been working on. I was inspired the other day and want to redo a lot of it (the perfectionist in me). I already made about 10 pages, I'm trying not to change too much of what I already did because a lot of the reason for the Style File is coming into your style/creativity. It's mainly going to be additions. So I felt today would be a great day to make a trek through the freezing cold to Hobby Lobby and use that nifty little gift card I got for Christmas. I bought all the supplies (minus one thing I couldn't find) for the first week of Style School. I didn't take pictures of all the supplies because I want it to be a surprise. I did take pictures of the stuff I bought for my Style File though :D It's going to be HUGE! So I used this: and got all this: this is a cute basket I couldn't pass up, I love the bright colors, it's going to look awesome in my AQUA craft room that I'm painting this weekend! Perfect place to put all my yarn (which I need to roll into balls, anyone want to come help me??) Here is all the yummy Scrapbook stuff: ribbon, felt, file folders, embellishments, card stock, tons of stickers, glue and **Note** the 50 pages of scrapbook paper all in different "flavors" lol I made this cute box for Ashley tonight too. My special thanks for designing my blog for me! It reminds me of a winter sky. I have some other extra goodies I'm throwing in but I want the rest to be a surprise :D I did buy an extra box today which I would love to have a trade with someone, if anyone is interested..LET ME KNOW!!!! :) Filled with all of her favorite candies. My mailbox has been extra happy lately. Thanks to Laura and Cynthia for the awesome mail, Cynthia has been such an awesome Happy Mail partner :) Supposed to be learning to embroider with Bri tonight but didn't think to get anything to embroider on.. Aren't I a smart one?! Going to cuddle up in bed and start reading this book Ashley wrote. Yes I printed the whole book out and YES I tied it with pretty yarn and DOUBLE YES to using an entire cartridge of ink :) Hope everyone had a Happy Monday! What did you do today?? Love you guys!!! xoxo, Lindsay
Yay for Part 2! So Chistmas morning we all got on Skype with my parents and Sage. Even though we are several states away we still were able to have Christmas together. Took us 4 hours for all of us to unwrap presents together. The only thing that could have made it any better is if it all happened in person. I have lots of pictures to share, hope you guys enjoy!
Kaylee and Hayden opening their first present of the morning. Hayden got a cool Chevron car from Grandpa (tradition) and Kaylee opened her handmade Tinkerbell doll carrier from Mommy. You can see My parents and Sagey Poo on Skype :)
I didn't get many pictures of the kids opening presents, normally I would take a picture of everything they opened. This year I wanted to spend all my attention on the kids and spending time with family so I waited until everything was opened and just took 4 big present pictures.
Here is Kaylee's goodies!
Here are all of mine. My theme was organization if you couldnt tell. Note filing cabinet, file folders, 2010 planner and labelmaker LOL.
Here is the awesome frame my parents had made for me. Whenever I was little we used to go to Oklahoma a lot to see my grandparents. We always drove through a town called "Lindsay" and every time we said we should take pictures by the sign and never did. A few weeks ago my parents went and took pictures by all the signs. I was teary-eyed opening it and as I write this now. So many wonderful childhood memories. My Dad is in the middle pic by the sign. This is one of my favorite presents this year :)
My parents also bought me these AMAZING knives which they had imported from Germany. I used them last night and they are awesome!
They also sent me my baby blanket I had from when I was little. I hung it around my shoulders all morning. I am extremely sentimental if you couldn't tell. I passed it down to Kaylee and she has been sleeping with it since :)
Of course you can't forget some good ole Tiger dust :)
Here is Hayden with all of his prezzies. I never want to hear the words "I'm bored" ever again.. LOL **Note to self** Stock up on batteries....
Here is Joseph's, he got some of his presents early. PS3 and a bigger TV for the living room. That is why his pile is a tad smaller. Am I the only wife on earth who got their hubby pot holders for Christmas?? At least they were Panthers Football....that makes it ok right?
After we took all the presents out and put them together and cleaned up we went to Sonja, Ray and Addy's house for Christmas dinner. Good thing they live a few streets down because we were in the middle of a Blizzard. We had to shovel our way to the truck and couldn't shut the garage door. The neighbor came out in flip-flops and shorts (keep in mind we are in a full-fledge BLIZZARD!) and said he was going to snowblow our driveway. It was a wonderful Christmas present, we have the best neighbors. It's the little things that make the holidays so special (even though snowblowing your neighbors house on CHRISTMAS is NOT by any means little, especially in a BLIZZARD!). We enjoyed an awesome dinner with the Evans and then came home and snuggled up for the rest of the night.
Kaylee and Addy playing in Addy's new Beetle :) We took these pictures the next morning, keep in mind the neighbor cleared all this out the night before. We were literally snowed in... This is a view from the back door, poor Max had to jump over this mountain every time he had to pee.. lol This is the view from the front door. I'm taking these from our living room window, no way I'm going out in that cold. We had to make a tunnel to the right to get out of our garage since the front door was impossible to get through. Thanks to my Hubby for braving the cold to get these awesome shots for me :) This is a view of the front of the house, I don't even have words to describe this except ...INSANE. This is after 1 night people..1 NIGHT!!! Imagine if our neighbor HADN'T shoveled the night before. This is our neighbors house that are connected to us. I feel really bad for them... Our neighbors got together as a team and helped clear out a lot of snowed in houses. This is Joseph after our neighbor came by AGAIN to snowblow for us. He was really happy if you couldn't tell! Did I mention we have the best neighbors? I made him a huge plate of homemade cookies to take home after all the hard work. Now we have a cool tunnel to walk through.
I'll be back later with pictures of my Style File. I spent 3 hours on it last night. I have 2 more inspirations to finish up today and some various embellishments I want to add as well. I have some really fun posts planned for this coming week and I have a ton of stuff for my next GIVEAWAY!!! Only 27 more followers until my next HUGE giveaway!!! Spread the word! xoxo, Lindsay
I took over 300 pictures the past 2 days and narrowed it down to 31. I will be doing a 2 part post as to not make it too ridiculously long :) I will let the pictures do most of the talking. This first part will be the Christmas Eve post. We had a very eventful day and actually got lots done. I took about 2 hours and color-sorted all of my buttons! Am I the only one who does this and LOVES it? Here is a picture of them all sorted. I also got some Happy Mail in! Thanks Cynthia for all the awesome stickers! I baked a mountain of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies in preparation for Santa visiting, thanks Cat for the yummy recipe! Hayden and Kaylee opened up a Christmas Eve present, it's a holiday tradition in our house. Hayden got a rocket launcher and Kaylee got a sesame street ball Hayden wrote a letter to Santa and set out his milk and cookies. We laid out the stockings after the kids went to bed and got ready for the morning. Joseph put together Hayden's electric race track All done! Kiddies got spoiled this year, thanks to family and friends (and maybe a little from us) Santa gifts are on the left, unwrapped of course. No way Santa has time to wrap all the kiddies gifts! Part 2 coming tomorrow of our Christmas day. I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas! We are currently snowed in right now, got lots of pictures coming tomorrow of our 15-20 feet high snow drifts.. insane I know! xoxo, Lindsay
Hope everyone has an awesome Christmas! Here is a present from me to you :D Christmas Eye Candy!! All images from WeHeartIt
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! I'll be back with LOTS of pictures from our Christmas which will most likely be done in several parts. I also have lots of fun posts planned as well. So keep checking back! xoxo, Lindsay