Welcome to my crafty little corner! Feel free to comment and follow me on my path to creativity. I love meeting new people, so don't be shy! Scrapbooking, journaling, making felt plushies, embroidery, painting, photography, blogging, organizing, reading, and sewing are some of my most favorite things.
Me and the hubby made a super short video of him picking the winner for the Treasure Hunt Giveaway! I don't know why he insisted on being kinda creepy at the end.. LOLOLOL.
Congratulations to the winner!!!!!! E-mail me your address so I can send off your goodies!! :D
I got in the king cake from when I won Michelle's giveaway. Hayden got to try his first ever piece of King Cake which I took a photo of. He loved it!! He really liked the Mardi Gras mask too!!
And....so did Max :) He actually left it on until I took it off. Anything to get in a photo huh Max?
For those who know about my Panda obsession, I guess it isn't to surprising I got these little cuties in :) I couldn't resist the super cuteness of the robots with pandas!!!
So this week I decided to try my hand at felt plushies, I think for trying for the very first time, I didn't do too shabby. I made all these cute felties for friends.
For the owl lover, my girl and boy owl. It took me longer than I thought making these, a few days on and off, embroidery can be hard on the fingers. I hope she likes them!! :D
For the deer lover. It actually took me quite awhile to make this cutie, about 3 1/2 hours. I didn't realize how much work this little deer would take, but I am happy with the result and hope she likes it as much as I do :)I'm thinking my next felt plushie wil be a fox :D
Hope everyone had a great weekend!! Only 4 more days until I leave for my Springfield trip!!!!!!!! YAY!
This week's confession theme is pet peeves, I know everyone has at least one, so I figured I would confess a few of my own. Now I have more than the average person (at least that's what I've been told lol) so it was hard to narrow it down. Here's 3
1. Confession...I can not stand when people who do not open doors for you (have your hands full, for the elderly, when you cut in front of someone). There has been several times that I walk to the post office (when its snowing or had been) and I have Kaylee on one hip sliding down and packages and my purse in the other hand and men will walk in front of me and let the door slam. I'm like "hello?, am I invisible?". I guess I'm a door opener for others, so I expect everyone else to be.
2. Confession...credit takers aren't on my most favorite people list. When people don't give credit where credit is due. I have seen people use other people's ideas and come off like they thought of it themselves. I know everyone can get ideas from other people that's how things are created and inspired, but when you take the exact same idea and say you made it up yourself...annoying. Also, when someone spends a lot of time and love into making someone something and you don't get a thank you or acknowledgement...lame-o.
3. Confession...it drives me crazy when my package takes forever to get to the recipient :( I get so excited about sending off Happy Mail, and then it takes like 2 weeks to arrive. I am definitely going to start using priority!
Speaking of packages, I am sending a very special someone this soon :) I had lots of fun wrapping all the prezzies. This is just to tease her a bit ;P and Yes, I'll be using priority so it doesn't take forever! LOL :)
On to my obsession, of course you all know what it is...PANDAS!!! I should probably just call these posts Friday Confessions + Pandas.... I actually had about 25 pictures, but decided to save the other half for the Friday after next). So here is some panda love :) [all panda images found on google images]
Since we are talking about amazingness, it reminded me of this beautiful lady :) I took this snapshot via Skype last night when we were chatting/gossiping/brain-storming, well..you know..what we do best! LOL :D
My Momma :) I love being able to chat with her and actually see her, even though she is on the opposite side of the U.S from me. She's my go-to girl for all things that make me feel better :) She is actually in Happy Mail now too as well as Vivs online journal class! Some good Mom/Daughter bonding time :) She is the best!! Love you Mom!!!
Annnndddddd it's my 100th post!!!! YAY!!! I would normally have a giveaway for this.. but I already have a giveaway going on, lol :) SO, I decided when I reach 200 followers I will have ANOTHER giveaway!! YAY!!!
Lots of mail this week, I can't even show most of it because some stuff I bought for the project Gina is doing, but I will show a tiny tad bit of some of the stuff (the rest I sent to her already :))
I got some amazingly cute fabric for me and a friend ;) Don't you love the wood grain?? I found this super cute panda-ey fabric too which I think I will make a tote bag out of!
This tote bag caught my eye an I knew I had to have it. I got it from Steppie's shop, she is now my go-to girl for all things panda!! Panda + Pink = Amazingness
I got some really sweet Happy Mail letters. The one on the left is from Tiffany, who was my January Happy Mail partner, we still keep in touch and write each other often. The one on the right is from Mandy, who is my Happy Mail partner from this month :)
So I know you remember JuJu and LuLu, I loved them so much I had to get a bigger version.. so that's what I did.. I couldn't help the cuteness!!!! Now I have a little JuJu and LuLu family :)
My amazing friend Carol actually crocheted me a panda too!! Remember the panda from a few posts ago??? She made it for me!!! It came out amazing! You can see it here. She is making him a girlfriend too and a little strawberry panda as well! I am so excited, My craft room is about to be a panda room for sure!
Carrie made this cute cupcake embroidery, it came out so adorable! I love it! She also surprised me with this adorable panda key chain that is already on my key ring! Thanks so much Carrie, it was a super sweet surprise!
I also thought I would share some amazing cute giveaways that are going on right now!!! SO MANY!!
Also, don't forget to check out the GIVEAWAY going on HERE!!!! I will be pulling a winner on Sunday!! You don't want to miss out, so many awesome prizes, made by some pretty awesome ladies!
So I've decided to join in on the fun Kassi started on 2 things I love around my Home. I have so many favorite places (craft room is obviously at the top of this), but I decided to go with the not so obvious ones for this post!
First thing is just a little decoration area. I love my clock and the tick-tick noise it makes, and the little weight that goes back and forth. There is actually a VERY funny story behind how I "got" this clock, maybe I'll share it someday ;P I normally have picture frames on this table but since Kaylee grew a little taller, she thinks its fun to take down her picture or one of her bo-bo and carry it around the house or...throw it.. so no more picture frames up there for awhile. I love love my half table, I think the bottom is the coolest, abstract! Kinda hard to tell from the front
Here's a better angle of the bottom of it.
Another thing I absolutely LOVE, is my dining room table. This is my DREAM table!! Pictures do not do it justice, so much prettier in person. The top is made completely out of marble and the bottom is oak I think, with a cherry finish. I absolutely love the leather chairs, so pretty. I love how classy it is. When I saw this table I HAD to have it. SO my hubby told me if I could sell the old one, I could have this one. So I sold my other one (within a week might I add, I was determined), which was a bar table and got this one. I needed a bigger one anyway because I was preggo at the time and the old table was a 4 seater. The other chair is downstairs, I'm using it for my craft room at the moment, it's much comfier than the office chair. I love in the summer time when its super hot and the marble is so cold, so I lay my face on the table, ahhhhhh :) Crazy how much someone can talk about a TABLE! lol :)
So here it is!!! :D
I really like this idea, I think I will try and do it every other week or so :) I already know what I'm going to do for my next one!!!
xoxo, Lindsay
P.S. Oh and if you wanna trade blog buttons let me know!!!
1. What is your name, tell us a little bit about yourself, and what you do.
My name is Katie. I am 27 years old, and I live in Tacoma, WA. I have two puppies who live with me, Jude and Klondike, and a boyfriend who lives very far away (Nashville, TN)! I have my Bachelor's in Social Welfare from the University of Washington, and am the Director of Social Services for a nursing home in my area. In my free time I like to hang out in my little neighborhood with friends. We walk to the vegan bakery, the independent movie theater, through the park or to the antique stores. I also spend a lot of time with my family, who live up and down the Puget Sound. Most of my money goes to flying back and forth to Nashville, until my boyfriend can afford to move out here (hopefully next year).
Lately I have become obsessed with my discovering my little neighborhood. I live in a really cute part of Tacoma, with so many cute things to do and see. I have become focused on spending less time and dollars at chain stores like Target, and do most of my shopping and leisure activities at the shops within walking distance of my apartment. Just on my block I have an neighborhood owned/volunteer movie theater that shows independent movies, a cake bakery/coffee shop, a wine bistro, and an art gallery. Up a block is this fantastic park, and this awesome restaurant. I walk through this park, and I reach the salon where I get my hair done. I really like feeling so connected to my environment, and I like supporting all these smaller businesses.
4. Where do you get your inspiration and what keeps you motivated?
I am inspired by Mad Men, antique stores, pretty pictures, sewing/craft/cook books, yarn stores, pink, cupcakes, feminine things, music, and old movies, especially starring Audrey Hepburn.
5. What are your top 5 favorite blogs?
http://sometimessweet.blogspot.com - Sometimes Sweet http://nothingbutbonfires.com - Nothing But Bonfires http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com - A Beautiful Mess http://blog.cjanerun.com - CJane http://nieniedialogues.com - Nie Nie Dialogues
There are soooo many more that I read every day, but these ones are the ones I save for last! ;)
6. If you could only eat 1 food the rest of your life, what would it be?
I would either eat The Big Smooth from The Honey Hole (http://www.thehoneyhole.com/) or Coconut or Vanilla with Vanilla Buttercream cupcakes from Hello, Cupcake (http://www.hello-cupcake.com/). Oh my word. Now I'm hungry. Mmmmm.
Free Speak:
I am: happy, alive, human, creative, understanding, an activist, one of “God’s Children”, a fairy princess, a born therapist, a tree hugging dirt worshipper, a hippie gypsy, a class act, a packrat, a Goodwill Treasure Hunter, a wannabe world traveler, a Franco-fanatic, a Harry Potter freak, a 4th generation San Franciscan, a Pacific Northwesterner, a Born-Again-Bohemian, Powered by Tofu, me.
I am not: perfect, patient, a miracle worker, a saint, cool.
-- Katie Curry, BSW "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi
Hope you guys enjoyed reading Katie's Feature as much as I did :) Go say hi and leave her some comment love here and on her blog :)
xoxo, Lindsay
P.S. If your interested in being featured, e-mail me at Mezmerized814 (at) aol (dot) com
This week's Sunday Funday has been changed to some more Panda lovin'. I was going to post a few projects I've done this week, then realized I couldn't post them anyhow because the recipients have't recieved them yet :( SO, I came up with my dream list!!! I hope to one day own all the things on this list. I love it all!!!
Ok first I want to start off by saying, If anyone can make the first 2 panda crocheted items on here, I will be more than happy to buy the pattern and send it to you, so you can make it for me!! Paying you of course :) I HAVE to have them :) So let me know if you are interested :)
Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!! My back is finally feeling a little better from my little incident on Friday. Maybe it will be 100% so I can go shopping tomorrow!! YAY!
BEFORE I FORGET!!!! I have been slowly changing things on my blog, I'm trying to decluterize, so I removed the links on the right. If you have a blog button and want to trade, let me know!! I'll add it to the right :)
xoxo, Lindsay
P.S. I finally figured out what my tattoo is going to be when I go to SF, it may or may not have something to do with a panda ;)
I am so excited to announce that I'm having my 3rd giveaway!! I have several friends who wanted to join in on the fun! We tried to think of a new, fun way to have this giveaway.
Jamie came up with the amazing idea for a Treasure Hunt!
Now your probably thinking, how do we do that? It's Easy Peasy Lemon Squeasy!
I am going to write down 7 questions at the bottom of this giveaway, one is for each person involved in the giveaway and giving away something awesome! For every question you get right, that's an entry! All the answers can be found on their blog, so it's like a treasure hunt :)
There is only 1 winner for this giveaway, so whoever wins gets ALL that's listed below!! YAY!!!
So let me start with the booty you can win!! ARRGGGH!!!! ;)
First one up!! ME! I will be giving away this adorable mini treasure box covered with matching buttons. Burgundy on the outside and pink on the inside. All hand painted and decorated by yours truly!!
Jamie from Inspired Mess, who is also creator of Happy Mail, will be giving away this super cute button brooch with a "You are Awesome" Inspirable Hanging.
Carrie from Carrie's Little World is giving away a boatload of fun prizes!! Blue nail polish, button bracelet, ring, owls (OMG SO CUTE), spool person Hello Kitty themed, and an embroidery!
Ashley from Almost Exactly will be giving away this handmade bracelet. Isn't it cute?
Carol from That is Charming is giving away one of her beautiful crocheted granny square necklaces.
Cat from No Wooden Spoons is giving away a crocheted coffee cozy with a cute crocheted flower.
Michelle from Aquafrolic is giving away an 8x10 painting on canvas, isn't it beautiful??
Recap of what you can win:
Mini treasure box Button Brooch Inspirable Hanging Homemade beaded bracelet Granny Square Necklace Blue nail polish A ring Set of Owls Spool thread person Hello Kitty themed Embroidery Button bracelet Crocheted Flower cozy 8x10 canvas painting
WOW so many prizes!!!!!
Ok now it's time to go over the rules....
1. You must be a blog follower of THIS blog. My google reader is on the left side of my page, just click follow if you haven't yet :)
2. You have to e-mail me the answers, do NOT post them in the comments for everyone to see. They can just copy/paste your answers and they did no work. lame-o. If you do comment with answers, your DISQUALIFIED.
3. Leave a comment on this post saying you e-mailed me or just leave a random comment if you plan on entering :)
E-Mail all answers to Mezmerized814 (at) aol (dot) com
I will make a blog post after this, when I start getting e-mails. I will tally up the entries and write your name with the total amount of entries along with it on the post. That way you know how many entries you have, as well as how many other people are on the hunt :) The main reason though is that it keeps me organized... shhhh
Time to hunt!!!
1. Lindsay(me) "What am I totally addicted to/obsessed with? (I'll accept 2 answers for this)
2. Jamie from Inspired Mess "What are the names of my boys?" Bonus if you can get all 4 right!!
6. Cat from No Wooden Spoons "What is the big Project I have been working on this year?"
7. Michelle from Aquafrolic "What football team do I pull for? (accepting 2 answers)
Easiest way to do this is Copy/Paste the questions. Make sure to send them to
Mezmerized814 (at) aol (dot) com
This giveaway will run a little over a week, giving you plenty of time to get the answers, most of you may already know them. We made sure to pick questions that were easy (but not too easy) and can be easily found on our blogs :)
We will be picking a winner February 28, 2010 :)
Here's a link to the post with all the entries so far! :)