Welcome to my crafty little corner! Feel free to comment and follow me on my path to creativity. I love meeting new people, so don't be shy! Scrapbooking, journaling, making felt plushies, embroidery, painting, photography, blogging, organizing, reading, and sewing are some of my most favorite things.
So I got a little camera happy with pages of my journal... I apologize now. I am very happy with the way they turned out and I am so in love with this class!!! like.. really!! I even felt kinda poetic in a few of them :D
I halfway did today's page, it was actually very hard for me. When I saw the prompt I literally felt sick to my stomach. I knew I was going to let it all out in the journal but got really nervous about actually writing it all down. I really poured my heart on to paper, I'm not even sure I'm going to post it on here. Maybe I will talk myself into it by next Friday when I share the next batch... we will see!!
And because I haven't done a confession panda obsession post I thought I would leave you with some real cuties!
and my confession... today was the first day I have ever written down the words that I had built up inside of me, it felt good! I was always scared to write how I truly felt on paper, it makes it seem to real.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, I'll be at the salon tomorrow getting more black lowlights put in, then Menards to get some paint to redo my entire craft studio and maybe a cute bench for my garden.
I can't tell you how much fun I had, it was the best ever!! I have been planning on making a HUGE scrapbook of my trip but can never find the time with all the other projects going on. I enlisted some help from the crafty Lehua who made a bunch of pages for me. I still have about 50 pictures I feel HAVE to be scrapbooked because I love them sooo much! I will do those on my own, hopefully soon. Of course I'll post them up! :)
I love all the pages she made, everything fit the theme perfectly! I even have room to write on them so I will be filling it up with lots of memories! Thanks so much Lehua!
Some of the pictures have 2 pages, I believe there is 16 pages total so far :) Click on the pic if you want to enlarge it!
Hope everyone has an awesome Thursday! I'll be sharing pics of this week's journal pages tomorrow! They are all coming out so different and cute!! I love this class!!! :D
First is the thanks.. thanks to everyone for all of the sweet comments on my last post as well as the sweet e-mails. I appreciate every single one of your comments, I teared up reading them. They really gave me strength and the encouragement I needed. I have made some amazing friends through this blog and I'm thankful for each and everyone of you! Thank you!
When I got my Happy Mail in from CaL I was in complete shock!! I was ecstatic to see this adorable Panda named Oliver :) She made him for me and I'm in love!!! He is the cutest!!!
She spoiled me with my favorite perfume and lotion set from Victoria Secrets, an adorable panda lunch box, a cute on the go panda that turns into a shopping bag, and some seriously cute panda stationary!! I love love it all!! It was also her first month in Happy Mail and I think it's safe to say she is hooked :) Thanks so much CaL!! Love ya!!
I also got in the scrapbook Lehua made me for my RVA trip!! It turned out GORGEOUS!! I will be posting the entire book tomorrow! The scanned in pics are so much better! There is so much detail, I love it! She also surprised me with cute panda stationary too, I was in dire need of btw. I have been running low in that department and was using notebook paper. Thanks Lehua!
Lots of penpal cards came in this week, I will be busy writing them all back tomorrow :D yay!
On a side note, I'm feeling much better today. Journaling has helped get a lot of my feelings out and on paper and it's like a weight off my shoulders. I love having this outlet for my fears, frustrations, thoughts and worries. Journaling is like therapy :D
It's been one of those days... I found out my hubby is actually going to be deploying for 6 months instead of 4...sad :(
Ever had one of those days where every little thing gets to you?? Things that normally wouldn't get a second look or thought, drive you batty? It's been like that here lately for me. Like certain insensitive comments being made...oh I won't even go into that one. So much is going on and I can't even talk about it on here.. just need some encouragement I guess.
Maybe all this had something to do with hubby going on vacation for 2 weeks and then going back to work yesterday and finding out about the deployment extension. I realized yesterday driving downtown how much I was going to miss him. I started bawling my eyes out going down the highway. I think I struggle with it being my first deployment ever, as well as never having been a "single mommy", and never have been away from Joseph (besides a few days at most).
Yea, I know I can do it.. it will just be hard. I have been keeping myself up at night with all my worries and stressing over things that really shouldn't matter. I know being a military wife I would eventually have to go through this, it's just tough.
I want to thank all of my friends who have been there for me and will be there for me when I'm feeling down or discouraged. I love you all!!
It makes me feel better to just read through your blogs and sweet e-mails.
On a good note I have been keeping up with the Tell Your Story class! yay! I still need to finish today's page, which I know I will!! I'm repainting my studio this weekend!! Instead of just one wall I'm going to paint several! I am so excited!! I need something more springy in here. I fell in love with a certain color and can't get enough of it! I'm keeping it a secret until the reveal!! yay!!
I missed yesterday's Feature Me Monday (so sry). It'll be back next week!
I made these plushies a few weeks ago and I'm finally able to post them!!! I wanted to make sure that my Happy Mail friends got them first, so I wouldn't spoil the surprise! All the plushies I make are from my own hand-drawn pattern (unless I state otherwise) :)
Meet Boris the Whale... he loves swimming in the ocean and posing against wood grain. Isn't he a cutie? I hope he enjoys his new home :)
I also made this Best Friends plushie which was inspired from those BFF necklaces :) I figured she could keep them both or give one side to her BFF :)
This weekend was full of fun!! I accidentally left my camera at home for half of it :( We watched a few movies, The Fourth Kind and Avatar, both were pretty good (Avatar was AMAZING!!!). I may or may not have slept with the lights on after watching The Fourth Kind.... that possessed stuff really gets to me.
Here are some things I did get pictures of though :)
playing softball
getting some air time (I had a mini-panick attack btw)
taking feet pics
climbing trees
being cute
painted my nails a pretty pink
We went to a carnival at Hayden's school on Friday (forgot camera) DOH! I also did some serious spring cleaning, cleaned out a ton of boxes in the basement, moved couches and cleaned under them and cleaned curtains, dust, laundry...WHEW!! I painted Kaylee's toenails (that was a chore in itself).. but now they are a pretty mint candy apple :)
I also worked on some plushies which I will be finishing up today for a giveaway I'm putting together!! It will be HUGE!!!! 3 winners!!! YAY!! :D Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!!
So I am officially caught up with my Tell Your Story journal... and the class hasn't even started yet.. oops. I made an extra page because I'm cool like that. I call it my cover page, so original right? I was so happy that the weather is finally warm enough to take pics outside, so that's just what I did. I Used nature as my background!
The journal I used (if anyone is curious) was one like this. Mine has black pages though, that I painted. I also painted the front cover. It was normally the Kraft color and it took me awhile to get around the spiral part, but I love the way it turned out. Simple and cute :)
I was inspired by the Elsie painting I just bought, the treasure map symbols came out sooo cute (took forever trying to get paint everything even though :)
Here is the cover page I made, my introduction to my introduction you could say...
It took me forever to make this page, I think because of having to wait on the stamps and the Stickles to dry. Oh and the paint, I used a pretty blue grey color.
And here is my first 2 pages. I did them a little different then the directions.
Instead I used words I would use to describe myself :)
The next page I wrote down some things that I love :)
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!! Tonight is scary movie night at my house, but before that we are going to a carnival at Hayden's school!! FUN!!! :D
What are your plans?
xoxo, Lindsay
P.S. Hopefully my Happy Mail parnters will be getting their Happy Mail today!! So I'll be posting 2 new plushies Sunday!! SO CUTE!!!!! Stay tuned!
P.S.S Welcome new followers!!!! 300?? WOWZERS!! Looks like I will be having a giveaway soon :D