Welcome to my crafty little corner! Feel free to comment and follow me on my path to creativity. I love meeting new people, so don't be shy! Scrapbooking, journaling, making felt plushies, embroidery, painting, photography, blogging, organizing, reading, and sewing are some of my most favorite things.
Thanks to Ashley I have a Blog Button!! Isn't she the VERY BEST?!?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it, so cute and perfect! It's on my sidebar or you can snag it at the end of this post! Thanks again Ashley! XOXO
So this has been a really nice, long weekend and it's not even over yet. My hubby was ever so kind to buy me the sewing machine in my last post :) Now I just have to get all the little accessories for it. I have gotten so much done this weekend! I have been working on my Style School homework. I went online since I have a shortage of magazines and ordered several of the free ones. I did like 6 loads of laundry, organized my counter that had stacks and stacks of paper built up on it, transfered all the stuff on this laptop onto a harddrive to get ready for the new one tomorrow, I also wrote out my grocery list (which is normally a long process for me bc I walk around the house to see what I need). So YAY for successful weekends!
On another note I went shopping the other day and saw the funniest thing, so I had to take a picture. Yea, I'm immature LOL! But it was this little typo that made my day.
I also wanted to share this awesome giveaway from The Coconut Shack. Look at all this awesome stuff! I really enjoy reading her blog and my favorite item so far is the black vintage purse with the crocheted flowers on it :) Now to convince her to sell it to me :) I just started following her recently and really love all the cute stuff she makes! Check it out!! Love Love
Now that Thanksgiving is over I can talk about Christmas! It's my most favorite holiday of the year and I am really getting into the spirit! I am still in the process of trying to find ornaments for my wreath, every store here is sold out already, one of the downsides of living in the tiniest town ever!
I'm so excited for Style School, I took a look at the bonus project and realized it would take forever to hand sew so I started looking for sewing machines! Low and behold I found a super cute and inexpensive one for beginners. So I linked this sewing machine to Carrie because I know she has a great love for Hello Kitty. I now really want to get it because, 1. I don't have one and 2. After linking it I kept staring at it and realized how darn cute it is! I read the reviews and they were really good, I don't need anything complex since I will be using it for the simplest of things. Now all I have to do is convince the hubby to get it for me. I figure it would be perfect for Style School and for simple projects around the house. I took Home Ec back in high school and vaguely remember how to use one. Those machines were ancient though so maybe it's a lot easier now. Maybe I can find a tutorial on how to load the thread and do just the most basic things on it. Oh and here is the what's second on my wish list which I know I will not be getting for Christmas but hopefully when we get our tax return! The Cricut!!!!! This would be FANTASTIC!
So Hubby put up the tree for me the other night so I could decorate it. I went with the blue and silver theme, more wintery :) I absolutely love how it turned out, for some reason pictures don't do it justice. I got 4 snowflake ornaments to represent each of us. Next year I will be a more traditional tree with handmade ornaments and there will be more lights. I realized after I strung them up there wasn't enough. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures! I LOVE it!
I really like how this picture turned out!
Joseph picked out the tree topper this year, I think he did a pretty good job!
One of the ornaments
Pretty bow :)
Happy Holidays everyone! Looking forward to getting my Happy Mail person today and my new laptop on Monday!
I made a list of some of the things I was thankful for and thought I would share it with you guys. But first, here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving. We had lots of yummy food, I didn't take pictures of all of it, just a few peaks of what we enjoyed today :) Joseph carving the turkey
20lber, it was huge!
Yummy rice, broocoli, and cheese casserole and green bean casserole
Pumpkin and apple pies
Even our little Moo-Moo got spoiled! Couldn't leave him out!
And because my Rottie Max was being extra cute today I had to post this picture of him. He is a camera hog, I have several pictures where he ran in our pictures and stuck his head in. He will paw at me until I take his picture. Here is my horse of a dog, 120 pounds of love :)
Ok here is my list of what I'm thankful for:
♥ My Husband- Beacause he is my other half, the only way I feel complete. I love looking at him and knowing from just a look he already knows what I'm thinking. Love you!
♥ My Kids- Because they are the sun in my sky and apple of my eye :) They are the most the amazing kids anyone could ask for and always have smiles on their faces. LOVE LOVE LOVE you Hayden and Kaylee Jo.
♥ My Mom and Dad- Because they are always there for me and support everything I do, I love them so very much! They made me who am I today and I couldn't ask for better parents and grandparents for my kiddies!
♥ My friends as well as the new friends I have made through Blogger and Style School, without you guys I would be lost!
♥ Military- Because they protect this country and put a roof over my head and food on my table
♥ My Rottie Max- My little Moo-Moo, Maxie Moo, love love love you!!!
♥ Style School- Because it is going to be an amazing experience and I will get to meet amazing new people!
♥ My laptop- my connection to a lot of my friends as well as inspirations, as well as feeds my online shopping addiction, hehe :D
♥ My bed- because it is the most comfiest thing in the world
♥ Chapstick- I own about 15 tubes at any one time and its guaranteed to be in every room of the house :)
♥ Coffee- Because it is the only way I can function in the morning and be of any use
♥ Cameras- Because it is the best way to capture moments and have them for many many years
♥ DVR- Because let's face it, I love my shows!! I can't always watch it when it comes on TV. So at least I know I can get to it, when I do have the time!
♥ Sparkly glitter pens- makes everything more pretty and crafty looking
♥ Hobby Lobby- Makes Minot bearable to live in :) Love love this store, I can spend hours walking up and down the isles of the scrapbooking, seasonal and sticker section
♥ Flowers- Because its like the sprinkles on our cupcakes, it just makes the world prettier and more beautiful
♥ Flickr- Because I get a lot of inspirtation from it and it has the best photos!
♥ Peacoats- because they are awesome
♥ Cupcakes- Because they are OH SO CUTE and so yummy too!
♥ Forgetting Sarah Marshal- One of my top 5 movies, I laugh over and over again at this movie!
♥ Toilet Paper- I think this one speaks for itself....
I could go on and on with my list but it would never end, these are just a few! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Sad its over, but now it's time to get ready for Christmas!!!!!!!!!! Posting up pictures of my tree next!!
I'M IN STYLE SCHOOL!!!!!!! I am so super excited to embark on this journey!!! I will be counting down the days!! Coming back later for another post later this evening, going to go decorate my Christmas tree!
I had a very fun and crafty weekend, despite Hubby having to work through it and missing New Moon. I have figured out something new about myself, I am quite the clutz. I came to this revelation when I fell halfway down my stairs on Saturday for no apparent reason and the step went into the arch of my foot and like rolled through it (this makes sense in my head). I'm fine, my foot hurt for a few minutes, but I think my ego is more hurt then anything. My son, Hayden, ran up to ask if I was ok, I thought he would have been rolling on the floor with belly giggles but he gave me hugs and was glad I was alright. What a gentleman. Luckily, I didn't reinjure my back that I just went to the ER for Wednesday. I find that I'm tripping over my own feet more and more. Maybe it's my constant daydreaming? Sucks I have to put my concentration back into walking correctly and less into my daydreaming :D
Anyway, so onto more fun things, like the craft fair I attended. I have been meaning to making this post for almost a week now. The craft fair was last weekend and it was AMAZING! I went with Sonja and her baby girl, Addy. We walked around for 6 hours, that's right 6 whole hours!! We must have walked it about 5 times, each time seeing something we missed before. I can't get over the things people come up with and it gave me lots of inspiration and new ideas. Everything was relatively cheap so I made out like a bandit in goodies! My feet were killing me by the time I got home. Here are a few things I purchased while there.
A Tinkerbell "Treasure/Keepsake box", Baby doll carrier (Tinkerbell of course)with a little matching pillow and blankie, Cars crayon/pad bag, Shea Butter for me, and some little trinkets for Kaylee's shelf
Here is a close-up of the Treasure box with her name put on it
Iron work with a bow and some seasonal stuff thrown in, looks so good above my Entertainment Center.
Wine bottle with lights in it, it's so pretty!
When the lights are out it has a beautiful blue glow, I can stare at it for hours!
Cute little tin boxes for Gift Cards (I just got these in today)
Sketch I had made of Kaylee from one of the artists there, it turned out amazing, I had it framed, I'll post it when I get a chance.
All in all I had a blast and got lots of cute, crafty things! I also bought 3 signs but want to repaint them to match my bedspread in my room. When they are redone, I'll post a few pics of those. Sad the craft fair is over but I'm sure my wallet is much happier. Minot only gets craft fairs twice a year so I'm looking forward to April 2010! There was over 300 vendors, all really great! I actually spent a lot less then I thought I would spend. I find it hard to control myself when it comes to crafts, so I brought cash so I wouldn't lose track of how much I was spending. You now that plastic is just so tempting to swipe and swipe and swipe! :D
Saturday night Sonja and Addy came over and hung out since both of our hubbies were working. We decided at midnight we were going to make some yummy cookies. We changed the recipe up a lot because there just wasn't enough sugar!
On Sunday, I of course tuned in to watch Jimmie win his 4th championship in a row!!! He is the first driver in NASCAR history to win 4 in a row! Needless to say I was hooting and hollaring when he crossed the finish line!
While watching the race, I started working on my Christmas cards, it took me about 3 hours to make 11 cards, I am still in the process of finding a sparkly pen to sign them in. The inside sticker letters took the longest, I lined them on a ruler then pressed them into the card. Boy was that tedious! I'm still debating on whether or not to buy paper snowflakes (since I couldn't manage to make mine small enough) to stick on the inside to add a little more decor. I found a snowflake craft kit on walmart.com but not sure I want to spend the $20 (after shipping) when I could work a little harder at figuring out how to make my own.
Oh, and this is what I woke up to this morning, she was being so sweet and huggy, so I had to share the cuteness of my little Princess.
♥ Hugging her baby ♥
♥ Putting her head to shoulder for her "I'm innocent" look ♥
♥ More hugs for her baby ♥
I have some good news too! I got an e-mail this morning from Best Buy saying they shipped out my laptop today!! YAY!! It was supposed to be on backorder for 3 weeks, but apparently I lucked out and they sent it out today! So, looks like I will be video chatting with you lovely ladies sooner then I thought!
CRAFT WEEKEND!! As some of you know I will not be seeing New Moon because of my hubby's work schedule :( I have to wait until next friday. This week has been a tough one, I landed myself in the emergency room on Wednesday because of a hurt back. I slipped a disc about 5ish years ago and every now and then it acts up and becomes day ruiner. I normally don't go to the hospital but this flare was paralyzingly painful. Also, going to the ER with a 1 and 6 year old is NOT fun to say the least. Thankfully, I had my hubby to help me and the military was nice enough to let him take the day off to take care of me :) Then yesterday I found out I will be missing New Moon because they are doing an exercise on Saturday night. He works swings so that's why I won't be seeing it tonight. I decided to end my week on a good note and purchased a Sony-VAIO in Poppy Pink(sadly they don't make them in purple). My current laptop has a bad power supply and no matter how many times I buy a new cord it has to be wrapped around the laptop and pushed in a certain way to feed my computer battery life (the customer service for Dell isn't all that great either). So I'm starting fresh with a new company and hopefully it will all be better. The Sony also comes in with a built-in web cam, so maybe I can attend those nifty little chats with you crafty ladies I always seeing happening on Twitter?! It will be about 3 weeks before it gets here since it's on backorder, so let the countdown begin! Also, I had to find something to do this weekend to cheer me up for missing New Moon (Oh Edward, I'll be seeing you soon!) so I took a little trip to Hobby Lobby and got all of my Christmas Card making supplies and a cute little box and dubbed it my sticker box! Stay tuned for tomorrow's post, it's all about my little trip to the craft fair which didn't turn out so little! hehe :) Hope everyone has a great weekend and got to see New Moon!
So I thought I would share a nifty little tip. You know those annoying aluminum foil rolls that always fall out of the box when you go to grab a piece? Well, apparently in all my years of using it, I never noticed the little push in things on the sides that hold the roll in place.. SERIOUSLY where have you been all my life??? I have dropped COUNTLESS rolls on the floor just to have it unroll and get crinkled. Now I don't know if this is a new thing bc there were so many complaints or if I'm just the last one to find out about this, but I thought I would share on what I learned today.... Here is a pic to better explain what I'm talking about. Oh, and if you have a helpful tip that makes life a little easier feel free in sharing it. I am probably the last person to find these things out! LOL! I hope I have shared something new with you guys! If not, sorry hehe. The sad part about all of this is when I was uploading the picture, I noticed that it even says "locking tab" under it... Wow...don't I feel silly.
Butter Sauce: 1/2 cup margarine 1 dash garlic salt Italian seasoning (as desired)
Bread Crumb Combination: 1 cup italian breadcrumbs 1 dash garlic salt
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pound chicken flat. Slice mozzarella cheese 1/4 inch thick, roll chicken around cheese.
2. Dip chicken roll in butter sauce, then in breadcrumbs. Place seam side down in 9x13 baking dish. Place slice of mozzarella on top of chicken (optional, but I love cheese so I use a ton of it). Use remaining butter sauce as lining at the bottom of the dish.
3. Bake uncovered for 30 min. Uncover and bake for 15 minutes more or until browned.
You can also subsitute with Monterey Jack. Actually making this for dinner tonight. I usually serve it with mashed potatoes and a pasta salad. My little indulgence >:)
I was going through old boxes to find toys from when I was younger to let Kaylee play with.. What did I find? Stuffed animals! Some that were 24 years old!! Here are a few pics of my antique stuffed animals from when I was a baby.
Anyone remember Fievel from An American Tail: Fievel Goes West? That was one of my favorite movies from when I was little, and of course Little Foot!
And of course Cabbage Patch Kids! My mom had the outfit special made to match my school uniform from Kindergarden! Oh sweet memories! So in honor of my childhood, I'm making my Dad's famous Mac n'Cheese with hotdogs! YUM!! What was your favorite toy or stuffed animal from your childhood?
So Mondays are usually pretty bleh for me, BUT I got Kaylee's piggie bows and a Christmas present for my friend's daughter in the mail today, with a suprise flower clippie! Great way to make my Monday awesome and put a huge smile on my face! That and I'm still happy over this weekends wins!! LSU, then Saints and then to put the sprinkles on my cupcake, JIMMIE WON!!! Best Weekend Ever! Ok, so here are a few pics of what made me smile today :)
I got the bows and pillowcase dress from my "bow lady", Mandy. She makes all of Kaylees bows, clippies, fairy wings, headbands, and pillowcase dresses! She also makes bow holders and tutus, which I will be getting soon. Pretty much any accessory your Princess could need, she makes at an unbeatable price! She has the best quality ribbon and great customer service, I am always extremely happy with my order. She has made several custom bows to match Kaylee's outfits like Halloween and her first birthday. I've bought so many I now need a third bow holder! Here's her site: Cutie BOW Tooty. Careful though, it could become an addiction. hehe :)
Here are the 2 shelves I just finished that go with the large one I made. They are so cute and sparkly! Now to finish the one I made Hayden, I'm thinking of getting a bear paw stencil to paint bear prints on his, will post pics when it's finished!!
✿Close-up of one of them ✿
✿Next to each other✿
✿All set up with a few trinkets, I love how it turned out!✿
Here are a few videos from when Kaylee turned 1 a few weeks ago. The first one is of her eating her birthday cake, the next one is of her riding in her little car buggy she got for her birthday, and the last one is of her walking around with her stroller for the first time! I couldn't resist, I had to post them. My baby girl is getting so big so fast, it's bittersweet. I remember dipping lollipops in water with Joseph while I was being induced. It seems like yesterday I was holding her for the first time and remembering the only thing that could stop the pain from delivery was looking into her sweet face. I remember how much fun we had and how Mom and Joseph would make me laugh and it hurting so badly that I would be crying and laughing at the same time. I remember Mom and me asking the nurse if it was normal that she didn't cry and waking up to Joseph singing "Shooting Star" by Bad Company to her as I laid quietly pretending to still be asleep. I remember Hayden looking at her and asking if that was his "baby sister" with a huge smile on his face, saying "I'm her Batman". Before I know it she will be off to her first day of school, then losing her first tooth, crying on my shoulder over a boy, and getting her learner's permit. I wish I could freeze time and keep her as my little, sweet, innocent baby girl forever. Wrap her in bubble wrap so nothing can ever hurt her. For now I'll enjoy and cherish every sweet kiss, loving snuggle, gummy smile, beaming face, adorable little laugh, wobbly walk, cutsey pigtail, and kissing those boo-boos away.
I dubbed today Craft day and caught up on Kaylee's baby book and painted and glitterized 2 mini shelves to go by her big Tinkerbell shelf I finished a few days ago. I have gotten a lot accomplished since Hubby has been on vacation the past few weeks. Lots of fun projects done that I have been daydreaming about for the past 3 months. Now that I have finished most of them I have been thinking of new things I can do. I really want to take up quilting but realize it will probably end up costing me a lot in the end since I would have to buy a sewing machine. Maybe I can save up for it? Knitting sounds like something fun to pick up as well. I have so many fun projects in mind and every night I lay in bed and think of another idea. Maybe I should get a little notebook to write them all down in so I won't forget by the time morning comes around! The next project I will most probably do next, is a HUGE scrapbook. I'm talking enormous. I want to put together pics from the last year into a huge compilation of papers, pics, ribbon, stickers, tons of embellishments.. something that will in the end weigh like 20 pounds!! haha. The last year of my life has been the best it has ever been, so why not have something representing it? Wish me luck! This will probably end up taking months to finish, but I'm sure will look great when it is finished!
Ok, well I figured since I'm a new blogger, I would introduce myself and family a bit. Here are a bunch of pics of me and my family (some of the ones that make me smile the most), and when I say a bunch... I mean it :)
♥ Here is a pic of me and my Hubby in our Halloween costumes, Mario and Princess Peach ♥
♥ My sweet, baby girl Kaylee at her 1st Birthday Party ♥
♥ Princess and her Daddy ♥
♥ Hayden aka Batman and Dad ♥
♥ Sweet kisses ♥
♥ Max aka best Rottie, and my middle child ♥
♥ Me and my Batman ♥
♥ Boy's Best Friend ♥
♥ Exacly 1 years old now! My baby is getting so big ♥
♥ Such a good pic of my 2 men ♥
♥ Me and Joseph ♥
♥ My little Ladybug ♥
♥ They are my world ♥
♥ Such a sweet smile ♥
♥ Eating her Birthday Cake, YUM! ♥
Hope you enjoyed all of the pictures! Off to put the final coat on the 2 mini shelves I've been working on today.