Welcome to my crafty little corner! Feel free to comment and follow me on my path to creativity. I love meeting new people, so don't be shy! Scrapbooking, journaling, making felt plushies, embroidery, painting, photography, blogging, organizing, reading, and sewing are some of my most favorite things.
I have been slacking on posting Happy Mail if you couldn't tell. I have gotten lots of fabulous surprises lately and I am so thankful so I had to share :) Sorry for the bad lighting, it was way too windy to take pics outside today.
First I got this amazing package from my Happy Mail partner this month Courtney. I know most of you know who Courtney is because I talk about her allll the time. She is the fabulous designer of my blog and Etsy shop as well as a friend, pen pal and now my Happy Mail partner. Look at all the goodies she spoiled me with!!! SO AWESOME. and that lotion is heavenly!!! Thank you so much Courtney!! Love you!!
I was completely surprised yesterday when my friend Andrea sent me this Panda book, believe it or not but this is my FIRST Panda book. Completely filled with gorgeous pictures of pandas and cute little facts. I have been reading it the past 2 days! Thank you so much Andrea, it totally wasn't expected and it's amazing!!
Jamie also surprised me with something we had talked about in our Skype date a few weekends ago. She showed me this gorgeous paper she received from someone and I was sooo jealous. SOOO PRETTY!! Well, wanna guess what Fabulous Jamie did? She hunted the paper down and bought the whole paper pack. Thank you so much Jamie, I'm so loving this paper and the cute cardstock stickers that it came with. Love you and our skype dates!!
Jenny sent me some super cute panda surprises too, she always finds the cutest stuff I swear. Those panda coasters, I die!! Love them!!! Thanks Jenny for always being so cute and so incredibly sweet! Love you!!
Stephanie sent me a cute pen pal card with this little guy. Crocheted bear with a panda suit. Love it!! I decided to put it above my desk and not on my key ring because it would get too dirty :)
This fabulous package is from Gina. The panda stuff you see is for a project we have been working on for several months now. I will be making a post later with all of it together!! So excited to share. She also sent me some cute stuff for my art journal and the most amazing wood grain card set I have been looking for since forever! Thanks Gina!!!
Of course I got tons of pen pal letters and I'm actually in the process of writing a few back. Kel sent me the cutest mix C.D that I love!!! Pen pals are so much fun!!! I always love having more so if you wanna be pen pals e-mail me!!
Ok guys, off to work on a journal page with my mom via Skype and some shop stuff for my next update this week!!! YAY!!
Wow what a busy busy weekend. Saturday I went to the salon and had my hair cut and colored. I absolutely love how it turned out. Reminds me of a chocolate dipped-strawberry! Then I came home and cooked a yummy dinner for some friends of mine who are expecting their first little bambino :) I worked on my next shop update and cleaned the house. Today I'm working on more shop updates and a surprise too :) Hopefully I will have it all finished by next weekend!
I want to send a special thank you to Kristie. She wrote the sweetest blog post about me and my shop, you can read it here :) It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much Kristie, you are amazing, LOVE YOU!!!!!
Mandy also did a feature on my shop too, you can read it here. Thank you so much Mandy!! I love the pics you took with Copper, so cute!
Here are the first set of pages from Janel's 30 Day Journal challenge. I didn't post them all because some were pretty plain. I still have to catch up on 4 more pages, I'm running a bit behind. oops.
*Edit* Thanks to whoever informed me that I used the incorrect form of *your*. OOPS!
Here are a few pics of my new hair :)
Hope everyone had a great weekend, I'm off to work on some stuff!!
**First, I want to acknowledge everyone who has blogged about my shop opening, WOW! I seriously was not expecting it and I am sooo grateful! Your support means the world to me <3 Thank you to Jamie, Meg, Kel, Carrie, Lex, Courtney, CaL, Jenny, Gina, Janel, Cheray, Katie, and Amy thank you from the bottom of my heart!! You girls are the best and really know how to make a girl feel loved!!! If I missed anyone's name I am SO sorry!!!
**Second, my anchor plushie was featured in a treasury!!!!! It's my first ever so I am really excited! Here's a link so you can check it out here.
**Third, I lowered some prices in my Etsy shop, I know it's only been the second day but I am sooo paranoid about overpricing... Anchors and Bubble teas are now lowered a bit, so you should check them out!! You can click here :)
**I am ALREADY working on my next shop update, I went and stocked up on a few items today and you will be seeing more journals, plushies and paintings in the very near future!! I told myself I was going to go on a little vacation after my first update but after listing all my items I was SO inspired and couldn't wait! The journals I'm making are inspired by these little cuties :)
**I have several more things to blog about and wanted to post my journal prompts from Janel's 30 day journal challenge, but it's been rainy :( So I haven't had a chance to take any pics. Hopefully those will be posted on Sunday!
**Tomorrow is a special day, I have a sitter watching the kiddos so I can have a much needed ME day. I'm going to the salon for a cut and color, I hope it turns out as fab as I imagine it to be. I'll post pics soon!!!
I am so excited!! I have been listing items all morning!! I am so glad I decided to work on my descriptions beforehand, else I would have been there at least another 4 hours!
I want to send a special thank you to my mom and my hubby, Joseph. They both helped me come up with cute descriptions :) Joseph came up with the bubble tea descriptions if you couldn't tell. I think he had UFC on the mind... Thank you honey, even though your deployed you still help me out :) And my mom came up with my journal and bigger plushie pal lines :) Thank you Mom, for everything you do, your amazing and SO supportive!
I also want to thank all of my friends who have been so supportive of me and my little shop, you girls are the best!!!! I love yall!!!
Off to work on a few more items I'll have listed in the next few days!! :)
So I'll be opening up my Etsy Shop in less then a week!!! Can you believe it??? Last thing I have to do is editing on my descriptions :) I may or may not have a few extra surprises for the shop that I will share the day of the opening :) YAY!!!
Horty the elephant
Boris the whale
Boris the whale makes his appearance on a graph paper Moleskine Journal :)
My first painting of my favorite animal in the world, a panda :) On a wooden block :)
Now I'm off to go hose down my dog who decided to run and skip and jump through the mud... and then make some yummy chicken quesadillas for the kiddos and maybe, JUST MAYBE do some journaling. I seriously need to catch up!!!
I love you guys! I am so thankful for all the support and well wishes for my shop, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
It's finally here!!!! I get to show some of the hard work I've been doing the past few months. Here are some of the items I'll be selling in my Etsy Shop. I'll be sharing more on Wednesday, so keep checking back!!!
I have to be honest, I'm glad I've been doing my homework. It's been a lot of work, from ordering all the supplies, to getting the patterns just right, to getting all the small details perfect. From the colorful packing tape, to the business cards and buttons, to every single stitch, I put all my heart into it. I hope you guys enjoy the sneak peek :)
Of course my famous Happy Mail plushie envelopes will be sold, I made a TON!!! All are unique and have their own special colors, no 2 are alike! All made with lots of love in every stitch!
Copper the Fox will be making an appearance as well :) Isn't he a cutie?
One of the things I've been hush hush on is the journals I've been designing. It's a moleskine of course, my new favorite. I stitched Copper to the front. It took me a lot longer than I expected (5 hours) it was quite painful for the fingers so I'm only selling one of these. I have other journals planned but they are a little different but just as cute!!!!
Here is the inside cover of the journal, it has woodland patterned paper to match the forest theme.
Bubble teas will be sold in Original, Grapefruit and Avocado flavors.
Be sure to keep checking back for more sneak peeks!! I still have lots to share! I am sooo excited but so nervous at the same time, Wish me luck!
Happy Father's day to all the Daddy's out there. Special mention to my Dad, who every Father should strive to be. I love him so much, he has always been there for me and been the best Dad in the world. He is a very special part of my life and I am so grateful he's MY Dad :) Oh and he taught me the RIGHT way to clean, and for that I'm thankful :) lol
[Can you tell he likes Jimmy Johnson??]
I also wanted to say Happy Father's Day to my hubby Joseph. It's sad he can't be here to celebrate with us since he's deployed. We have been thinking about him all day. We love you so much Joseph. Thank you for being the most amazing Husband, Daddy, Best Friend in the whole world. I am so lucky to have found the most perfect person for me, we are like Wall-E and Eva, your the cream in my twinkie Baby!!! :) We love you and miss you. Can't wait to run into your arms again!!
I'll start with my journal pages. I've been super slacking lately. I've been so crazy busy with getting everything ready for the shop opening (I want everything to be perfect, not just thrown together in a day), as well as a million other things. This weekend I'll be playing catch up. I did the first 2 days of Janel's journal challenge, but I feel as if I need to redo the whole thing. The journal I'm writing in has super thin pages and it's messing up my groove. So this weekend I'll catch up and I'm starting brand new in my new Moleskine!!
Here's my first page for the journal challenge :)
Me and my mom have been working on a few journal pages of our own. Here are 2 of them I thought I would share. We each come up with a prompt and the other assigns 3 materials we have to incorporate into the page..
This page we had to use paint (painted my heart), washi tape and patterned paper (my xoxo)
This page my mom came up with the materials and we had to use ribbon, a doodle, and graph paper
Yea my BlackBerry doodle pretty much rules.. you know it!
I took the kids to the zoo on Wednesday, we got in free since it was Military Appreciation day. I'm not going to bore you with the million pics I took, I'll just share a few :)
One of the first animal we saw was the bear, it walked right up to us (I think this had something to do with Kaylee sneaking in her McDonald's french fries) and then just stared... When we walked away it made this sad cry bear noise.. awwwww! I think he really wanted those fries!
Then we came across this little guy, how sad does he look???
Then the cute giraffes
Photo Op!!!! Isn't he a cutie???
And of course we stopped by the gift shop and the kids each posed with my favorite animal ever!!! The Panda!! LOVE!!!!!