Saturday, November 27, 2010

Week Recap

This week has been incredible! Here are some of the highlights :)

**Me and Joseph went on a romantic date night *swoon*. We went to Seven's and had some steaks and shrimp, then we were a little adventurous... after we picked up the kids from the sitter, we came home and watched Nightmare on Elm Street. It was a magical night and it felt so good to get out and spend some alone time with Joseph.

**I finally got my computer back, virus-free and didn't lose any pictures.

**For Thanksgiving we went to Sandi's and hung out with friends, ate a TON of food and had lots of laughs. Thank you so much Sandi!!

**Lots of snuggle time, family time, movie time and pillow talk :)

I didn't participate in the craziness of Black Friday. I never have. I would prefer to sleep in and do all my shopping online, especially when it's 10 degrees outside. Speaking of Christmas shopping, we decided this year we are doing all handmade. Last year we went way overboard on Christmas and so this year we are doing the exact opposite. We are focusing more on family and creativeness.

In shop news, I've been working on my Christmas line of badges, ornaments and even (hopefully) a few plushies!! I'm very excited, it's time to get back into the swing of things and get motivated! With all the excitement around here lately, my shop has taken a back seat. Time to go into full swing again!

What did you do for Thanksgiving? Do you shop on Black Friday?



  1. I adore date nights! Yours sounds lovely!

    I definitely prefer handmade gifts over store bought - they just mean so much more!

    Have a great day!

  2. Glad you had a great nite out w/Joseph which was so needed after 6 mons being gone. You know how my Thanksgiving went so we won't know till next week when we actually celebrate. (now watch I won't find a turkey anywhere!!)

    I didn't do Black Friday, tried online but what I wanted was all sold out. So go me..didn't spend a dime yesterday!!! ;)

  3. Ooh, the date night sounds lovely. It's nice to just take some time out like that isn't it?! Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. I worked on Black Friday but it actually wasn't that bad :/ I've done all my shopping online so far too! haha. Have a good weekend.

  4. Looks like you have had a wonderful week! I'm glad to hear that! I didn't do Black Friday. I enjoyed napping on the couch and cleaning my house. I don't think my nerves could handle a Black Friday. Sounds scary! Have a great rest of the weekend! <3

  5. Lindsay,
    Great to hear that you & your husband got some very importain time alone. Plus I know there is a lot of excitement going on around you & your family but it's all good! I'm thrilled to hear that you all are having such wonderful time.
    Christmas don't have to be costly. Just too many people forget that due to they are either trying to keep up with the Jones or out do others they know. The best gift to get is something someone has put time, thought & love into making for you special. Which I know those reciving the gifts from you this year will love them & know that's just what you did. That's priceless!
    Hope your shop does well this year. Now go & enjoy time with your family!

  6. That sounds like the perfect week! =] And I never shop on black friday, no matter what the weather is like, I prefer to stay home =]

    Jess Marie

  7. I had a great date night with you babe. The food was great, and so were the extra activities. It has been a really fun week since I came home. I am sure your christmas line is going to be great and I cant wait to see it. Oh, and Black Friday is the devil. Love you!

  8. aww yay for date night :)
    how cute are you guys? ^^^^^^^

    black friday sucks. haha. i agree with joseph.

  9. I feel the exact same way about Black Friday :)

    Your Christmas idea sounds perfect! I prefer Thanksgiving because It's all the food and family of Christmas minus the complication of gifts. :) Handmade gifts sound awesome though!

  10. I try to stay away from Black Friday craziness, but Boy and his sister wanted to load up on cheap Blu-Rays and video games so I went with them. It was actually a lot of fun, we went an hour later than everyone else so missed the lines out the doors! But I would MUCH rather stay home in sweats with hot chocolate and shop online :)

  11. this sounds like such a great week1 i bet youre on cloud nine having your hubby back for romantic dates!!

    I totally missed black friday.. i only remembered about thanksgiving through blogs though

  12. I love date nights! I agree that Christmas shopping craziness is to be avoided at all costs. We always keep our gifts to a manageable level and tend to do almost all our shopping online - so much easier and less stressful!
    I found you through the No Rules Blog Hop.


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